What are you looking for ?
Tell us your requirements. Complete the online registration form or contact our Call Center to place a job order. This initial information will indicate the type of position you wish to fill, the qualifications you expect and the compensation you are willing to pay.
We identify the best prospects. Select your employee. We will send you resumes of qualified candidates who have already undergone our extensive screening process. We will also coordinate interviews with the candidates.
Investigation. All the candidates have been investigated by us. If you have selected an employee and he or she has accepted the position, we can be sure all is fine.When a candidate from us arrives at your door, you can be assured this individual is highly credentialed in job experience and has been carefully screened. You can also be confident that the candidate is a legal resident of theUSA. Our staff is exclusively trained in immigration law, specifically in the identification of legitimate paperwork and credentials. We are specialised in fine italian candidates.
Apply for a position
Applicants must fill the form below.
Be sure to have the following information available before starting:
Contact information, including address, phone number, and email address.
Work authorization, including document numbers and expiration dates for non-citizens (as required by the country you want to work in).
Contact information, including address, phone number, and email address.
Work authorization, including document numbers and expiration dates for non-citizens (as required by the country you want to work in).
Driver's license and social security number
Employment history, including previous employers, their address and contact information, supervisor contact information, dates, title, salary.
Education history
Attachments, including letters of recommendation, credentials, a personal statement, and photo.